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Started along Canada’s infamous Highway of Tears, the Moose Hide Campaign is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement of men, boys, and all Canadians who are standing up against violence towards women, girls, and Two-Spirit people.
Indigenous Ministries and Justice urges individuals and communities of faith to participate in Moose Hide Campaign Day, and to raise awareness of the campaign through the year. Check out our Moose Hide Campaign webpage to learn more, look for or register local events, and find a prayer to use as you put on your pin this year. 

Moose Hide Pins will be available at church beginning Sunday May 5. You can also pick one up from Suzanne at the office.

By wearing a moose hide pin and participating in Moose Hide Campaign Day, millions of Canadians are making meaningful progress towards reconciliation and the creation of a country where violence against women and children is no longer allowed to flourish in the shadows.  


Image credit: Moose Hide Campaign