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Gibimishkaadimin is an Indigenous word representing “paddling together by boat.” This pilot project of reconciliation engages Indigenous youth from across Canada and non-Indigenous youth from Shining Waters Regional Council in collaborative and experiential learning through an Indigenous lens. 

This youth leadership opportunity fosters relationships with each other and the land through a summer canoe trip. 

This year's canoe journey began on August 21 from Temagami, Ontario, after an opening ceremony with Murray Pruden, Executive Minister of Indigenous Justice and Reconciliation. Moderator Carmen Lansdowne has joined the group of youth this year. Watch for updates on our social media pages!

You can help keep this innovative reconciliation program going by donating through Bloor Street United Church (please add a note specifying the donation is for Gibimishkaadimin).

Photo: The Gibimishkaadimin youth with Elder Murray Pruden as they start their journey. Credit: Beth Symes