The United Church joins with all those praying for a just peace in the Holy Land and urges global leaders to work urgently for an end to the current violence, an end to the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories, and a just and lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis.’ (Rev. Michael Blair, General Secretary, UCC)
Pentecost 21 Bulletin
Announcement Sheet
Shining Waters Regional Council Prayer Cycle:
Today we pray for: Bloordale United Church, Toronto, Central United Church, Toronto, Seabreeze United Church, Dwight
Minute For Mission:
Building Climate Resiliency: Women for Change strives to improve conditions in rural communities by empowering women and girls.
Prayers & Devotionals:
A Prayer for Climate Change: "....showing me opportunities to make a difference, that I may live with respect in your Creation"
The Burden of War: A Prayer for those weighed down by warfare.
A Prayer for Peace at the Time of Conflict: Loving God, in the swirling maelstrom of violent conflict, we ask for your peace, your lasting peace,