Prayers & Devotionals:
Help to Reaweaken Our Love for Creation: - Environment Sunday
The hymns and music today…
God, Whose Almighty Word (w John Marriott, m Felice de Giardini) – Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.
Body, Mind, and Spirit (W. M. Motum) - Public Domain
The Lone, Wild Bird (w Henry Richard McFadyen - v3-5 Marty Haugen, m Walker's Southern Harmony, harm David N. Hohnson) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 (Marty Haugen), Public Domain.
Sing, Sing, Out! (Hannah, Melhorne-Boe) - Reprint and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074
Grateful (T. Tomaszek) - Reprint and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 .
There Is Room For All (w/m Bruce Harding) - Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
Wherever You May Go (m/w David Kai). Reprinted and podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
Chorale and Variation on If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee (John Andrews) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.
God, Help Us to Treasure (J. Oldham, L. Erhardt, arr. B Harding) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074.
Canticle of Fellowship (C. Courtney) - Podcast with permission under One License #A-718074 and CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
Go Down Moses (arr. Bill Ingram) -Podcast with permission under CCLI Licenses #20425240 and #20425257.
To God Be the Glory (Edward Broughton) - Public Domain
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